14 July 2008

July #8

About How You Can Never Complain Again

this one
is about how you can never complain again
about how sometimes when you call me
and i'm too busy to talk
or i'm hanging out with other people
and am talking to them
instead of you.
this one
is about how your right to do that
has been revoked.
and this one is about how
i put away time to talk to you
when i was away
and you
you can't really be bothered.
this one is about how
you turned off the volume
when i was talking to you
so that you could do other things
and the sound bothered you.
this one is about how
even when you're online
"talking" to me
you don't say anything
and i have to wrestle with the conversation
to make anything
this one is about how you don't really talk to me
unless we're on the phone
and you have to.
this one is about how
i do things, so many things,
for you.
not everything.
but i put away time and don't develop friendships
so i can talk to you
and i support you,
your drinking, your friends
that i don't know, or that i don't like,
and i never, ever tell you
that i'm so uncomfortable with something
you have a deep desire for
that you can't do it.
this is about how
we are uneven
and more and more
how it matters.
this one is about how
you can't complain any more.
with love.

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