31 January 2009


Competition, Elizabeth

I have to compete
with blonde hippy road sluts
the temptation of liquor
the shining steel of guns
and fights, violence.
I have to fight
against memories of war,
How can the cast off wife
shine through the dark visions
of smoke and fire,
murder and slaughter?


Competition: Me
I hate you. Why?
Because you always seem
to push, to do more than you should.
I know I'm better -
I could trounce you in a heartbeat.
I know you aren't happy,
and I am.
But still all the empty things you do,
I want to do better,
more completely,
just to show you.

2009 #1


Could you just shut your mouth for one second?
You ramble on about yourself and I
pretend to care about your childish things,
your stupid hates and immature desires.
But should I try to speak a word – you glare,
you criticize. For after all there's little
more important than you and your failures.
Ay, that's the rub, for even when you run
on and on it's never good news, always
about how you can never ever min.
Shut up! Grow up! And leave me be!


So it's been mad silent around here. I think I'm giving up on the 52 short stories and just reverting to poetry; I've been writing a lot, especially because it was a requirement for my theater class. Obvs. have not uploaded any; expect an explosion of poetry over the next few days.

Other literary news:
possible new novel
possible research paper
Haven't heard back from Caesura
playing with the idea of submitting to another journal

Thanks for reading, guys. Even in my boring times.

01 January 2009

2008 Recap

Goal: 365 poems
Actual: about 250 (there are over 30 not posted on here)

Success? Yes. The whole point of this experience was not really to write a specific number of poems so much as to write more poetry. And yeesh, I did. I experimented with form, got out some stuff about my life, and made up some poems too. All in all, I'm pleased with this.

New Goal: 52 short stories, one a week. No mini/max word count. I also plan on continuing with poetry, which will still be posted here as well. However, the poetry might actually have titles haha. The short stories will be numbered 1-52; it's easier to keep track that way.

If anyone reads this, I hope you and yours had an excellent New Year's celebration. Thanks for reading, and I look forward to seeing you soon.