15 March 2009



My cat, she likes to chase her tail and eat
small mice and twisty snakes she finds hunting.
She drops them, eats them at my shrinking feet.

His new wife likes to rack men up, each cheat
she marks with daggered smiles. And then laughing
alone, she chases some more tail - then eats.

My daughter watches me from under sheets
as shouts ring from my mouth. She lies; swearing,
she drops fables before my shrinking feet.

Model, guide, icon of forgotten heat,
my old mother watches herself withering.
She plays parent too thin and will not eat.

I lost my job today. Clever and neat
I was, but not enough for her thinking.
My boss drops me and scorns my shrinking feats.

I lost my job. I lost my girl. My sweet
love faded into sour roses wilting.
They all can thrive on chase and food - they eat
their success right before my losing feet.

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