30 March 2008

March #12

The truth isn't always easy.
Sometimes it comes bursting,
like a mountain spring,
ready to jump raging to the forefront
and be the focus, the base,
of life...
yet those mountain springs can turn into raging rapids
and sweep away all in their path
in floods that drown relationships,
people, feelings, sensibility.

The truth can be hard to find.
In a desert the secrets of feeling
lie hidden beneath piles of continually shifting
death-dry sands.
The desert can still provide life
and not all is lost
when truth is hidden.
But the real bloom comes after the sudden rain
when even the cacti spring
into real life,
not the guarded existence they knew before.

Truth is not easy.
Sometimes it is hard as hail,
or suppressing, in whiteout blizzards.
Truth is not kind.
It has no emotion,
it is what it is,
a force
that can guide, change,
reveal or cover,
sustain or drown.

Truth does not care.
But the need for it
is undeniable.

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