24 June 2008

june 13

I am

I am a music junkie
a radio lover,
a CD fiend.
I am eclectic in my tastes,
indulging in the awful,
the standard, the classics.
I am a believer -
I believe in music,
in rhythm,
in emotions put into words
that then stir my own feelings
even as they move my feet.
I am an equal-opportunity listener,
eager to expand my repertoire,
constantly possessing CDs
that I have yet to listen to,
constantly seeking recommendations,
new bands
to know
and love
and cherish.

Like music
I am a literary junkie,
purging on tawdry romances,
diving into Dostoevsky.
Dystopians are my favorite,
disillusioned warnings
of twisted governments
and what we might be becoming.
I am obsessed with language
and nuances,
analyzing and comparing,
figuring out
the real happenings.
That it why I love my music,
my books -
both are open
to interpretation.
Both require you
to step in, plunge into the messy
inexact language, strip aside
red herrings and ungainly phrases,
to reveal the true fault or crux or hero.
I want to share this,
this literary or auditory surgery.
I want them to feel
that amazing sense of discovery
because it's not just a fun song
or a tedious book
but a tale,
something that once was,
was real and vital
and can be so today.
I want them to be thrilled
that they are blessed, blessed!
With the ability to hear,
to read,
and to take it all in
and think.
I want to share
the sense of joy
and discovery
and moreover I want them to adopt it,
into their every day life.

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