15 August 2008

August #8

Whereupon the Author Realizes, to her Dismay, That She Believes In Romance

I believe in romance
not in the common sense,
the typical
white knight gray steed sense
But in the way
that I believe
in poets that only wear white
and authors who walk
for miles and miles every day
contemplating the ends of the universe.
I believe
in hope, in people, in light, and love
in waiting, once you've found that person'
months if you have to,
until they come back
from wherever they were.
I believe in being a lady
but I think
I may be a feminist.
I believe in family
and children
and maybe
one last name.
I believe
and I realize
that I believe in a very rosy,
romantic kind of life.
Who knew?
not I.

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